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New posts in androidx

How to create AlertDialog in androidx.appcompat

Paging library data source with specific page index

Failing to load next data with android Paging library

PreferenceFragmentCompat has iconSpaceReserved true by default

How to use new androidx.media2.widget.VideoView

How to set maximal length of EditTextPreference of AndroidX Library?

Enable proguard crashs when run app (Didn't find class "androidx.core.app.CoreComponentFactory")

android proguard androidx

Wrong button style when creating AlertDialog with androidx DialogFragment

How to use Intent.ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT in Android Pie

Cardview elevation is not working with androidx artifacts

How to configure Android project for AndroidX Test

Is AppCompat possible to ignore on API 23+?

Crash when using bundled ttf font on Android 10 / Android Q

While I migrate from Android to AndroidX , Error in implementing google play services in my projects. What might be the solution?

Unresolved Reference R after Androidx Migration

Crash using CameraX library android: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

Androidx modules, android:attr/ttcIndex & android:attr/fontVariationSettings not found

How can I render plain android ProgressBar with Compose?

Snackbar package in AndroidX

Floating action button in andoidx library