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New posts in android-videoview

Show and hide a play button over a VideoView in Android

android android-videoview

Android::VideoView inside a ScrollView

Play video one after another simultaneously smoothly [without visible switching from one to another]

Android: Cannot set VideoView background to transparent

How to play videos from SD Card

android android-videoview

Android VideoView crop_center

How to play multiple video files simultaneously in one layout side by side in different view in Android

How can i view a video inside a videoview at some specific position?

Compress Videos using FFMPEG and JNI

Disable Android's VideoView requestAudioFocus when playing a video?

VideoView doesn't start when invisible

Fullscreen video player - mediacontroller behind navigation bar

Rotating an android VideoView

Detect if a VideoVIew is buffering

I want to play a video from my assets or raw folder

android android-videoview

Mechanism for apps to display their image content in native 4k

Android VideoView how to scale as ImageView scale type fitXY?

Android loading animation before VideoView start

android android-videoview

Using VideoView, how to remove "can't play this video" alert message?