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New posts in android-videoview

Rotating phone restarts video on android

Display two videos together then output as a merged video on a single screen

SurfaceView, SurfaceTexture and MediaPlayer cant play my video in android

Couldn't open file on client side, trying server side Error in Android

android android-videoview

VideoView in a live wallpaper?

How Do I Play Video in ListView like Instagram and Vine?

MediaController Positioning - bind to VideoView

Android 4.1 - RTSP using VideoView and MediaController

Xamarin Android Player - Can't play this video

vimeo video play in Android native

How to detect if VideoView is playing video or Buffering?

android android-videoview

Android 2.2 VideoView problem

android android-videoview

MediaController Positioning

Streaming to VideoView only plays on Wifi when using Samsung phones

Android - MediaController of VideoView within dialog appears behind the dialog

VideoView getDrawingCache is returning black

Detect when videoview stops playing

android android-videoview

Android VideoView not playing Portrait Orientation

Can VideoView be detach and reattached without stopping the stream?