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New posts in android-vectordrawable

Cannot cast to AnimatedVectorDrawableCompat in Nougat

Tint VectorDrawable inside Drawable Resource xml

Android Vector Drawable <defs> not support. How to fix it?

VectorDrawable: How to position it on canvas?

VectorDrawable rendering issue

AnimatedVectorDrawable does not animate

Android - How to make the XML file for a icon?

Use fillType="evenOdd" on Android 21

How do you get a Drawable object via a TypedArray when the drawable resource is a Vector Drawable?

VectorDrawableCompat Resources$NotFoundException on KitKat and below

AndroidStudio import SVG with ERROR@ <mask> is not supported

Android Vector Drawable crash

Android Studio 3.0 vector drawables and LINT tools:ignore="VectorPath"

How can I use VectorDrawable with the Android Toolbar?

How do I convert pngs directly to android vector drawables?

Can GradientColor be used to define a gradient for a fill or stroke entirely in XML?

VectorDrawable not rendering correctly on API 23

programmatically update android Vector Drawable

AppCompat 23.2 use VectorDrawableCompat with RemoteViews (AppWidget) on API<21