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How do developers who customise AOSP keep their changes under version control?

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Dalvik JIT workflow

How do I download a specific version of source code from android.googlesourcecode.com using Git?

What is signal 33 in Android Lollipop?

Create API jar like Android does with stubbed methods?

Android Custom Launcher startActivity() blocks BOOT_COMPLETED intent

Cannot test my AOSP build on the emulator

Android.bp and ninja: error: unknown target

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What is the most elegant way of striping AOSP of its pre-installed packages?

Can i programmatically play radio on android?

android android-source

How to get Bluetooth HID host on Android 5.0+ working

Disabling android services in init.rc

How to navigate/view/edit android platform sources (AOSP) using Intellij IDE (Android Studio preferably)?

when to use weak pointer (wp) in android native framework (AOSP)

GC overhead limit exceeded when building android source

what is advantage of binderised hidl comparing to passthrough?

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AOSP repo sync takes too long

Simulating power button press to display switch off dialog box

Android source code compile error: "Try increasing heap size with java option '-Xmx<size>'"

Create specific device tree for AOSP

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