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New posts in start-activity

Start activity from receiver in Android Q

onSaveInstanceState is not getting called

this@MainActivity vs MainActivity@this in kotlin

Android Can you get an activity result from a chained startActivityForResult

get name of activity within Intent

How to pass non parcelable objects to from activity to another activity?

Android Custom Launcher startActivity() blocks BOOT_COMPLETED intent

How to get startActivityForResult on external Activity to work?

android start-activity

onActivityResult in dialog fragment

Open Contact Picker with a Filter

How can I send message to specific contact through WhatsApp from my android app?

How to Pick Image From Google Photos App Only? Android Google Photos Intent

How pass data between activities using RxJava in android?

Open a fragment of an activity from another activity

android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent { act=android.settings.USAGE_ACCESS_SETTINGS }


Can't start activity from BroadcastReceiver on android 10

resultCode is always 0 and request is always -1, . Activity.onActivityResult();