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New posts in android-r8

R8 stripping out Kotlin companion object needed for reflection

How to make R8 + proguard-android-optimize.txt + Google Drive API works seamlessly?

How to use latest R8 Shrinker version

proguard-rules.pro does not seem to work with R8

Is there a way to prevent Android app code shrinker R8 from changing line numbers?

android android-r8

How to deobfuscate R8 Stack traces?

AndroidX on Android Studio 3.2 - VerifyError when running app

Why is minifyEnabled is false in release builds by default?

Android Gradle Build Plugin 4.0.0 & R8 Desugaring not working on API 19

Android build fails with R8

Is r8 enabled on existing project after updating Android studio?

Dealing with R8 + JvmStatic Annotation + Lambda in public API for Android Library written in Kotlin

Getting OutofMemory issue when building with Android Studio 3.4 using code shrinker R8

What is the difference between Proguard and R8?

android proguard android-r8

Gradle : DSL element 'useProguard' is obsolete and will be removed soon

Fatal Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException in release build

Android/java: Transition / Migration from ProGuard to R8?