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New posts in android-permissions

Android permissions

How android permission system works internally after reading manifest

Having trouble in asking multiple permission in android Marshmallow

PHONE_CALL permission not working in Dexter

How to add permission in qt after android 6

Why is SmsManager requiring READ_PHONE_STATE permission on some devices but not others?

BroadcastReceiver and PHONE_STATE does not work

Why does Google play hide android.permission.VIBRATE for some apps? [closed]

WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE still required with KitKat?

Is ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION necessary if the user has already granted ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION?

Android 6.0 - What is the difference between dangerous and special permissions?

In Marshmallow, how to prompt two or more permissions dialog one by one like Hangouts does?

Any Android app I compile asks for some permissions, even for a Hello World app


React Native display PDF in Android web view

Displaying popup windows while running in the background?

Android App not asking for permissions when installing

Android studio adds unwanted permission after running application on real device

Can not find Symbol Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE on v23

Least invasive way to uniquely identify Android user