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New posts in android-permissions

Android 4.4: is WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission effective on primary external storage /mnt/sdcard?

Android - How do I know all methods that require a certain permission?

Android max number of persistable uri permission granted to an app is limited to 128?

Why does Android PlacePicker not(!) require ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission to work?

NotificationCompat setSound(sound, STREAM_ALARM) not working

MANAGE_OVERLAY_PERMISSION - activity not found exception

Android runtime permissions process: Can I send extras with ActivityCompat.requestPermissions?

User changes granted Permission from Settings screen

Corresponding group ID not added to the process of the application

Android UsageStatsManager: Get a list of currently running apps on phone

How get location?

ACTION_MANAGE_OVERLAY_PERMISSION not redirected to the app page in Api 30

RecognitionService: call for recognition service without RECORD_AUDIO permissions; extending RecognitionService

Environment.getExternalStorageState() returns false on Virtual Device

Android device shutdown - want "ShutdownThread->shutdown()"not "su reboot -p"

Why are certain permissions hidden in developer.android.com

Putting permissions to manifest of Android .aar library project

Flutter : PlatformException(no_available_camera, No cameras available for taking pictures., null, null)