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New posts in android-listview

HorizontalListview with image select and unselect

Load image from listview to next Activity

android android-listview

Applauze like listview

Auto-scrolling of AdapterView (Listview, GridView,...)

finding pixel location of Listview item seems to return wrong value

Onfling and OnTouch does not work together

The content of the adapter has changed but ListView did not receive a notification, nothing updated in the background

Implement view like view pager

Android - setListAdapter() + notifyDataSetChanged() clarification

ANDROID : How can i achieve Listview similar to 'today in history' app?

android android-listview

Expandable ListView Child return wrong view after scroll down

How can I display specific CSV content to the clicked list item?

How to Call Adapter class before Activity

Android ListView Select Animation

Items in ListView not long clickable after setting click listener in getView()

android android-listview

OnScrollListener.onScroll() called on item click in a ListView

android android-listview

Setting more than one adapter for a single list view

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget in ListView and lazy loading images

Android - why is this telling me "Content view not yet created"?

android android-listview