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New posts in android-listview

Efficient ListView in android

Implementing a "faster" backToTop - ListView

Chris Banes PullToRefreshListView with Custom Adapter Error

Android ListView running an event on Item Long Click Release

ListView scrolling using UniversalImageDownloader not smooth

onItemClick fires only on text not on the entire row of ListView

Replacing ListView row with another layout onClick

creating Json from sqlite in Android

how resize Android ListView row height

FrameLayout cannot be cast to android.widget.AbsListView

How to properly implement an Adapter for a ListView

How to cancel Android ListView item from being activated/highlighted in ListView's setOnItemClickListener?

getView() method of ArrayAdapter repeats first two or three items in list

simple cursor adapter requires minimum api 11 issue

ListView: How to add data on custom ArrayAdapter?

ListView OnItemClickListener with a new activity

How to filter ListView using getFilter() in BaseAdapter

Preloading some images for listview with UniversalImageLoader

Android - only the last item shows in layer-list

Footer below list view fixed at the bottom of the screen