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New posts in android-listfragment

How can style the ListView of a ListFragment

Onclicklistner not working in fragment listview

how to display custom listview using list fragments in android

How do I properly initiate a multi-select Contextual Action Bar for ListFragment (having issues)

Android - ListFragment inside DialogFragment(AlertDialog): Fragment does not have a view

Handle Fragment duplication on Screen Rotate (with sample code)

The screen dims but the dialog doesn't show up

Android ListFragment list view overlapping on orientation change

using bundle to pass data between fragment to another fragment example

How to implement right swipe in ListFragment with Custom Item Adapter?

Creating custom simple cursor adapter

How to set the Divider (to null) of a ListFragment custom layout

onCreateOptionsMenu called before onCreate android

MultiChoiceModeListener causing issues with SherlockListFragment

background color of list become white in scrolling when using android.support.v4.app.ListFragment;

How to execute action after DialogFragment positive button clicked

getSupportLoaderManager() use same ids in different fragments?

Android ImageView does not match_parent inside FrameLayout below GingerBread

Lifecycle of a replaced ViewPager and BackStack?