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New posts in android-gesture

Obtain view that is touched with GestureDetector

Custom swipe animation (Tilt, Card Deck, 3D, etc.)

android: how to detect horizontal and vertical gesture lines

Android libgdx swipe left and right detection using gesture listener

How can I implement a chrome like "auto-hide navigation" for my Android app?

The meaning of returning false from OnGestureListener.onDown()

How to know if two images are intersect while one image moving in android?

Path intersection in android

Detect swipe using onTouchListener in ScrollView

Can't see click ripple effect in Android Touch events

Custom view with buttons implements OnGestureListener

Are there open source gesture libraries in Android? [closed]

Android. Swipe to back Activity like Telegram

Bezel Gestures with Android

android android-gesture

How to prevent a double-tap on a ListView?

fling and pinchzoom for an imageview in one activity

android android-gesture

Android "swipe left to right to delete", gesture on list item, ICS Style

GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener. How do I detect an ACTION_UP event?

Different fling (swipe) velocity on different Android devices with same density