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New posts in android-fragmentactivity

How to add a page to the beginning of ViewPager?

Fragments restore state on orientation changed

Selecting Image from gallery using fragment

Adding PreferenceFragment to FragmentPagerAdapter

Handling PagerTitleStrip click in compatibiliy Fragment-based ViewPager

Google+ Login Not working properly on Android fragment

How to Remove Fragment from FragmentPagerAdapter?

Adding actionbar to FragmentActivity

OnOptionsItemSelected in activity is called before onOptionsItemSelected in fragment. Other way possible?

Bind service to FragmentActivity or Fragment?

Android Fragment - move from one View to another?

Fragment Activity - app died, no saved state

Is it safe to commit a FragmentTransaction inside onActivityResult()?

Can't retain nested fragments

Android Nested Fragment Approach

Android Lifecycle management of Fragments within ViewPager and FragmentPagerAdapter

AsyncTask runs on each page of the ViewPager

how to set toolbar on FragmentActivity?

Android Navigation Drawer Fragment State