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Android Navigation Drawer Fragment State

I'm currently utilizing the Navigation Drawer for my Android APP. In my first fragment, I've a fragment that loads data using Facebook's Graph API. Thus, when my App is first loaded, it first goes to the first fragment.


Then, I use the Navigation Drawer to click on another Fragment and view it.

Second Fragment

And then finally, I reuse the Navigation Drawer to proceed back to the first Fragment and view it.

First Fragment

My issue that I'm facing is, how do I proceed to utilize the Fragment that has been created once instead of re-creating it whenever the Navigation Drawer Item is selected. My code for the switching of the fragments are as shown below.

private void displayView(int position) {
    // update the main content by replacing fragments
    Fragment fragment = null;
    switch (position) {
    case 0:
        fragment = new SelectionFragment();
    case 1:
        fragment = new HomeFragment();
    case 2:
        fragment = new PhotosFragment();
    case 3:
        fragment = new CommunityFragment();
    case 4:
        fragment = new PagesFragment();
    case 5:
        fragment = new SplashFragment();

    if (fragment != null) {
        FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();
                .replace(R.id.frame_container, fragment).commit();

        // update selected item and title, then close the drawer
        mDrawerList.setItemChecked(position, true);
    } else {
        // error in creating fragment
        Log.e("MainActivity", "Error in creating fragment");

I noticed that there is indeed a "new" instance of the Fragment every time whenever the option is selected. How do I go about implementing the logic of creating the Fragment instance ONCE and reusing it, so that I do not have to continuously load the Fragment over and over again.

like image 734
Arvind Dinivra Avatar asked Jun 12 '14 14:06

Arvind Dinivra

1 Answers

To anyone who encounters the same issue with me,I've managed to find a solution.

In the container frame,I've to define specific fragment views that I'll be utilizing as shown below.

Specific fragments

In each Fragment view,I've to "link" it with the actual Fragment itself as shown below via the "android:name" attribute.Do take note of the the path to the Fragment,example for in my case it's com.example.confesssionsrp.SelectionFragment.

    android:layout_height="match_parent" />

In the the MainActivity(or the Activity where we're viewing the fragments),create variables for each of the Fragments as shown below.


Following that,in the Oncreate of the MainActivity(or your specific Activity),initialize the various fragments as shown below.


Proceed onto creating a new Method called "ShowFragment" as shown below.

private void showFragment(int fragmentIndex, boolean addToBackStack) {
    FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager();
    FragmentTransaction transaction = fm.beginTransaction();
    for (int i = 0; i < fragments.length; i++) {
        if (i == fragmentIndex) {
            if (Session.getActiveSession().isClosed()) {
        } else {
    if (addToBackStack) {

From then on in the switching of the fragments,manually call upon the "ShowFragment" method with the selected Fragment as shown below.

Show Fragment

Doing all of this overall,will not reset the Fragment each time we view it,and therefore is the solution to the answer.Thank you for anyone who has helped me so far :)!

like image 142
Arvind Dinivra Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 15:09

Arvind Dinivra