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Set layout_column and layout_row in GridLayout programmatically

I have a GridLayout (not GridView) where I want to add some views with a special row and column inex. In XML I can set the View with:

    android:text="Large Text" />

But how can I set the attributes layout_column and layout_row programmatically? I want something like this:

GridLayout grid = new GridLayout(getActivity());


grid.addView(new Button(getActivity());
like image 631
Cilenco Avatar asked May 19 '13 22:05


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1 Answers

The equivalent of layout_column and layout_row, as with all layout_... parameters, is to be found as a parameter of a subclass of LayoutParams.

In this case it's GridLayout.LayoutParams, and we use it like this (for a 2x2 grid with a subview in the final row and column, centred within the cell):


gridLayout.addView(subview, new GridLayout.LayoutParams(
                              GridLayout.spec(1, GridLayout.CENTER),
                              GridLayout.spec(1, GridLayout.CENTER)));
like image 180
Craig McMahon Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09

Craig McMahon