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New posts in android-drawable

Image Sizes for the Android Application

Android AppCompat 23.1.0 Tint Compound Drawable

Why does setImageBitmap has no effect on custom ImageButton?

Create drawable with colored background and centered icon

android android-drawable

Android: show gradient like shadow using shape.xml

XML drawable having different behavior on 4.3 and 4.1.2

Reference drawable from string-array in android [duplicate]

Android shape with gradient border and shadow

setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(int,int,int,int) not working

Child background attribute override the parent rounded corners background

Android Performance XML Drawable vs CSS3 vs Images

Android - Drawable repeat shape to create pattern

What is the difference between setBackgroundResource and setBackgroundDrawable

What is "Resources" in BitmapDrawable constructor really?

Picasso - how to resize placeholder

Draw triangle background in android

android android-drawable

What's the purpose of Drawable setHotspot on Android 5.0 (API 21)?

How can we change ActionBarDrawerToggle icon?

Custom RatingBar tinting API < 21 with support library 22.1.1