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New posts in android-context

Does the Android Application Context ever get destroyed?

android android-context

getApplicationContext() returns null in a Service

Is it a bad practice to hold application Context instance?

Toast: Difference between "this" and "getApplicationContext()"?

Using SharedPreferences with different Contexts

Is there a way to call `overridePendingTransition` from a class that does not extend the Activity class?

What is 'Context' in android? [duplicate]

android android-context

What is the better way to get Context?

android android-context

Which context to use for Toast in Android?

Android Architecture Components ViewModel Context

Android context leaks in AsyncTask

Using Context in FragmentPagerAdapter

android android-context

Is it safe to keep a static reference to a SharedPreferences and its Editor?

android android-context

What exactly does using the Application Context mean?

SQLite Database "context" passed to adapter

How to call getBaseContext() on Fragment

Getting Android's system preferences without having any context

android android-context

Is context.getSystemService() an expensive call?

android android-context

IsolatedContext vs. AndroidTestCase.getContext()

in what case does bindService return false?

android android-context