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New posts in android-arrayadapter

How did the Android BBC news and Pulse news apps implement the horizontal scroll view?

How to cancel AsyncTask execute from hidden item on getView() function in Android?

how can i put different colors in ListView

GridView not updating its child views after adapter gets new items

Dynamic AutocompleteTextView with ArrayAdapter and TextWatcher

Android: ListView tells me it's populated but not displaying items

Animate certain ListView items

Android custom ArrayAdapter getView method called multiple times - resetting dynamic TextView value

How do I get notifyDatasetChanged() to work with a ListAdapter?

Custom ArrayAdapter setBackground in getView

Activity crashes on setAdapter(ArrayAdapter);

ListView with a custom adapter, adding elements one by one

Difference in listview.setOnItemClickListener and row.setOnClickListener

How to get context of an activity extending ListFragment from its adapter class?

Dynamically update title of Design Support TabLayout

Android - ListView to load more items when reached end [closed]

Choose between ArrayAdapter and SimpleAdapter

(Unit)Testing of ArrayAdapter