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New posts in android-activity

Run Activity B from Notification and force back button to run Activity A

android android-activity

Open an activity after a certain amount of time?

Android: How to Resume Application/Activity from BroadcastReceiver?

Clickable Links inside listview

Android - Application Logo Activity

Eclipse to Android show app icons for each class when deployed

really confused with setPreviewCallback in Android, need advice

How can I hide an Activity?

How to run code when coming back to activity

How to register a receiver in the main activity?

How to hide last activity view in android recent list? Using a locker screen implementation

Send data to activity which is running in background

android android-activity

Confusion over the Android Activity Lifecycle

How to open select input mode on keyboard's event

Start Activity Intent on Clicking Text Inside Webview

android.app.SuperNotCalledException: Activity did not call through to super.onCreate()

pressing on notification opens the same activity twice

Android, Build Successful, but apk build (subsequent run) fails

Reading WebSphere MQ activity log file

Save drawing to disk using Parcelable