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New posts in android-6.0-marshmallow

Where is adb in Android 6? Is it removed?

Android M - App Linking not working in Chrome

How long does an App need to be idle for App Standby to kick in (Android Marshmallow)

Android 6.0 won't connect to BLE device anymore after turning bluetooth off and back on again

Why does Android PlacePicker not(!) require ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission to work?

Permissions on Android M when sharing Data to other apps

Audio Source option in Developer option in Android M

Is it possible to create a custom floating text selection menu in Android versions pre Marshmallow?

How come a GCM permission isn't granted on Android 6?

Android 6.0 Permissions. Read SMS

Receive UDP in Android Marshmallow

Android 6.0 Native tgkill Crash

Compiling Google Download Library targing API 23 Android Marshmallow

Marshmallow(23) + RecyclerView(23.1.0) scrolling messes up content above after item removed (notifyItemRemoved)

Android studio getSlotFromBufferLocked: unknown buffer error in Marshmallow

Non Scroll RecyclerView scrolling issue in Android SDK 23

Android 6.0 - What is the difference between dangerous and special permissions?

Can I override default push notification icon in android from app icon to custom icon?

Android runtime permissions- how to implement

Android M write to SD Card - Permission Denied