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New posts in amazon-route53

Is it possible to have a separate cname record for each subdomain on AWS

AWS alternative to DNS failover?

How long does Route 53 A record take to update?

How do I disable the ${appName}.elasticbeanstalk.com URL?

Using parked GoDaddy domain on Amazon Route 53 - import zone file failed

AWS Request Authentication: Encode Header

AWS Route 53 Redirect to Status Page

AWS Cloudfront as CDN for Heroku Site with Custom Domain

AWS lambda connect to internal ELB with private Hostzone DNS

DKIM for Mandrill on Amazon's Route 53

Linking Amazon Route 53 Domain Name to EC2 instance

subdomain VHost setup with EC2/Route53

Route a specific path to a specific EC2 instance using Route 53

Domain name and route53 issue

AWS Host Multiple Domains On One EC2 Instance

How do I get the Hosted Zone for a domain using Boto 3?

Why isn't my AWS ACM certificate validating?

Do I have have to use Amazon Route 53's DNS Service (and pay for it), if I register and manage my domain with them?

Custom domain in free tier on AWS?

Missing DNS validation record when using terraform aws_acm_certificate_validation