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Using parked GoDaddy domain on Amazon Route 53 - import zone file failed

I am trying to use my parked GoDaddy domain name with AWS Elastic Beanstalk and followed as the answer from this question . I had a problem at step 4. I imported a zone file for windows from GoDaddy and when I imported it returned me a parsing error at PARKED. My import file looks like this:

; SOA Record
***.com.    600 IN  SOA ***.***.com.    dns.***.net (

; A Records
@   600 IN  A   >>++PARKED1++<<

; CNAME Records
_domainconnect  3600    IN  CNAME   ***.**.****.com
www 3600    IN  CNAME   @
ftp 3600    IN  CNAME   @

; NS Records
@   3600    IN  NS  ***.****.com
@   3600    IN  NS  ***.****.com

I read AWS documentation on migrating DNS but it only says to just import. So what should I change in the settings or the import file?

like image 392
user8703143 Avatar asked Oct 18 '22 00:10


1 Answers

You should use the IP address of your AWS Elasatic Beanstalk app. The A record is where your domain is pointing.

A Records point to IP addresses

CNAME points to another domain.

Simple A Record vs CNAME explanation

like image 97
trejas Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10
