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New posts in amazon-cognito

AWS SAM API with Cognito User Pools authorizer

How do I call an API Gateway with Cognito credentials in Python

How to use DynamoDB fine grained access control with Cognito User Pools?

AMAZON AWS How do i subscribe an endpoint to SNS topic?

TOKEN endpoint returns invalid_client without client secret

how handle refresh token service in AWS amplify-js

Using AWS Cognito can I resolve the authenticated IdentityId given a disabled unauthenticated IdentityId?

Getting cognito user pool username from cognito identity pool identityId

Is it possible to revoke AWS Cognito IdToken?

Amazon API Gateway authorization AWS_IAM

Getting URL Parameters on GatsbyJS

Amazon Cognito Oauth2 with Spring Security

Forgot password link from aws cognito

DynamoDB multi-tenant IAM policy (sharing documents with other users)

implementing USER_SRP_AUTH with python boto3 for AWS Cognito

AWS Cognito Authorization code grant flow without using the hosted UI

Can I specify an AWS DynamoDB policy based on Cognito ID?

AWS Cognito User Pools in iOS (Swift) app

Does API Gateway behind CloudFront not support AWS_IAM authentication?

AppSync: Get user information in $context when using AWS_IAM auth