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Amazon API Gateway authorization AWS_IAM

What does it means AWS_IAM as Authorization model in Amazon API Gateway?

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If I test the Lambda inside the AWS console it works and prints "Hello World", but if I use the endpoint URL and open it inside another browser's tab it say {"message":"Missing Authentication Token"} how can I get this authentication token?

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BAD_SEED Avatar asked Jun 06 '17 16:06


People also ask

What is Aws_iam authorization?

AWS_IAM authentication means you must sign requests using AWS signature version for and AWS credentials.

How do I authenticate API gateway?

API Gateway supports multiple authentication methods that are suited to different applications and use cases. API Gateway uses the authentication method that you specify in your service configuration to validate incoming requests before passing them to your API backend.

Which of the authentication options can be used to authenticate using AWS APIs?

The Amazon S3 REST API uses a custom HTTP scheme based on a keyed-HMAC (Hash Message Authentication Code) for authentication. To authenticate a request, you first concatenate selected elements of the request to form a string. You then use your AWS secret access key to calculate the HMAC of that string.

How does IAM authorization work with API gateway?

When IAM authorization is enabled, clients must use Signature Version 4 to sign their requests with AWS credentials. API Gateway invokes your API route only if the client has execute-api permission for the route. IAM authorization for HTTP APIs is similar to that for REST APIs .

How does IAM authorization work with AWS Signature Version 4?

When IAM authorization is enabled, clients must use Signature Version 4 to sign their requests with AWS credentials. API Gateway invokes your API route only if the client has execute-api permission for the route.

How do I grant IAM users access to Amazon API gateway?

Grant API authorization to IAM users with a policy. Although you can grant user access to the API at the individual IAM user level, it is recommended that you grant access to Amazon API Gateway APIs at the IAM group level. Open the AWS IAM console and select Groups.

How do I change the AWS IAM policy for API post?

Select AWS_IAM, and then select the check box on the right to confirm your choice. After you change the authorization settings for the API POST method request from NONE to AWS_IAM, you must explicitly grant user access to the API with an IAM policy.

1 Answers

Create a new IAM user

Go to AWS IAM and create a new user with programmatic access for accessing your API Gateway. Then attach a policy with enough permissions (AmazonAPIGatewayInvokeFullAccess) to the user/group to be able to access your API Gateway endpoint. Once you get through all the steps, you will be presented with a key/secret for your new user.

Make an API request with AWS Signature using Postman

Now, to simplify things, install Postman and then use the Authorization tab in your request page, to select AWS Signature:


Fill in AccessKey / SecretKey for your new user, AWS Region in which you operate (e.g., us-west-1) and click the Update Request button. At that point Postman will fill in the necessary Headers for your request and you can make authorized requests to your API Gateway.

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jaccus Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 05:09
