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Single sign on between ASP.NET app and Office365 with on-premise ADFS STS

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c2WTS (Claims to windows token service) in .net 4.5

Does ADFS server supports scim protocol

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NTLM authentication to AD FS for non-IE browser without 'Extended Protection' switched off?

Transparent SSO with SAML (IE, SAML 2.0, ADFS, Kerberos authentication)

ADFS v2.0 Error : MSIS7042: The same client browser session has made '6' requests in the last '1' seconds

ADFS - ID1059: Cannot authenticate the user because the URL scheme is not https and requireSsl is set to true

Does ADFS 2.0 supports the SAML 1.1 protocol and Web SSO profiles?

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Claims not being passed to a Relying Party in ADFS 2.0

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What's the best approach to SSO with internal AD users and external users?

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What's the difference between WS-Trust, OpenID, and SAML Passive?

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ADFS Single-Sign-On for SharePoint 2013 on-premises, Power BI and custom web app?

Creating Delegation token - can't create a SecurityTokenService

Single sign on for .NET application integrated with Active Directory

Claims Based Authentication - SharePoint and generally

How to set the timeout properly when federating with the ADFS 2.0

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MVC3 site using Azure ACS & ADFS continually prompts for credentials when using Firefox and Chrome

What is a relying party trust in adfs