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New posts in addressbook

Filtering out email addresses from ABPeoplePickerNavigationController

Address Book thread safety and performance

cocoa addressbook

iphone addressbook - getting null item in ABAddressBookGetPersonWithRecordID

CNPropertyNotFetchedException App Crashed

ios swift contact addressbook

Translating android phone number label id to string

uri addressbook android

Add a contact to the mobile device Address book from an HTML webpage

Rails app as an LDAP or CardDAV server?

Get the ABRecordID from newly added Address Book Object ios

ios addressbook

How do I get the cropping frame of the address book image data?

iphone addressbook

iPhone multi-threaded AddressBook manipulation

How can I get a list of all the properties of an ABRecordRef?

Can somebody recommend a good gem for contact handling? [closed]

Adding vCard data directly to the system Address Book

objective-c ios addressbook

How to create vCard/vcf file to use in share sheet?

How to search the iphone address book for a specific phone number?

how can I Add a ABRecordRef to a NSMutableArray in iPhone?

iPhone ABPeoplePickerNavigationController - How to select two single entries of two different multivalue properties of a person from Addressbook

localising postal / physical address display from database fields

Ask for permission to allow access to Contacts iOS [duplicate]

Get image contact in address book on iOS

ios addressbook