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localising postal / physical address display from database fields

Can anyone point me to a list of international postal / residential / delivery address format templates that use some kind of parseable standard vocabulary for address parts?

The ideal list contains a country code then a format using replaceable tokens so I can substitute database address fields into a template to produce something printable in the local format.

for example

NZ | [first_name] [family_name]\n[company_name]\n[street_address]\n[city] [post_code]\n[country]
AU | [first_name] [family_name]\n[company_name]\n[street_address]\n[city]\n[state] [post_code]\n[country]
US | etc
UK | etc

Background: I used to have a simple freetext field to accept addresses. Moving to support vCard download, which requires addresses to be broken down into specific fields. Thats all fine: we can do the migration. I'm looking for a way to display the fields in the "correct" order for each country. thanks for your help!

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Steve Avatar asked Apr 30 '11 08:04


1 Answers

This MSDN page has the information in the format you need and seems accurate, but covers only 33 countries. Maybe they are enough.

The Universal Postal Union offers all the information you need for a lot of countries here. This is top quality information; however, it is split across as many PDF documents as there are countries and is not in the format you need.

This page provides the information in a slightly more accessible form. As far as I can judge, it is accurate (and contains a lot of valuable info), but I can't speak to its quality nor its currentness.

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Pekka Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09
