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New posts in actionbarsherlock

Is there any way to use Roboguice and ActionbarSherlock in one project?

Android Action Bar with Search View

android actionbarsherlock

how to change HomeButton Hilight Color when press

Why isn't my fragments onSaveInstanceState() being called?

Cannot build actionbarsherlock: BuildConfig cannot be resolved to a variable

disable swiping between tabs in FragmentActivity

Error:In <declare-styleable> SherlockSpinner, unable to find attribute android:popupPromptView

Showing the soft keyboard for SearchView on ActionBar

android actionbarsherlock

Jar mismatch when importing ActionBarSherlock

android actionbarsherlock

Action Bar Tabs do not fill screen width

searchview not closing correctly on FIRST back press (it's only loosing focus)

ActionBarSherlock setCustomView not working in Android 3.2

Problems trying to create gradle build

indeterminateProgressBar in ActionBar styling - padding issue

How to always display ActionBar tabs below ActionBar in Android

MultiChoiceMode before API 11

android actionbarsherlock

How to change the color of tab 'underbar' in actionbarsherlock

Can I set the home icon of my actionbar using styles.xml?

android actionbarsherlock

SherlockActionBar: How to adjust CustomView against actionBar

How can I make the items on ActionBar to be one on the left, one in the center and one on the right?

android actionbarsherlock