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New posts in actionbarsherlock

How To Center Icon in Android Action Bar

ActionBar Up button and Navigation pattern

R cannot be resolved error when using ActionBarSherlock

Is it possible to change actionbar tab indicator programmatically

AppCompat Actionbar styling

ActionBarSherlock (ABS): how to customize the text of action mode close item?

Set contentDescription for ActionBar's up button

Dropdown Spinner outside of actionbar? (IceCream Sandwich style, w/ActionBarSherlock)

How to stop ActionBar Tab navigation to display as a spinner when it gets too long?

Android actionbar sherlok doesn't show divider

android actionbarsherlock

ActionBarSherlock - How to set the padding of each actionbar's icon?

Tab content stays visible after changing tab after orientation change

Should I use ActionBarSherlock for Android 4.0+ apps?

android actionbarsherlock

How to show Indeterminate Progress bar when Refresh button is pressed in ActionBarSherlock?

android actionbarsherlock

Nesting tabs in Android 4 with support library (ActionBarSherlock)

Sherlock Actionbar RTL

ActionBarSherlock Item Icon strange width with Android 4.3

How to remove icons from an ActionBarSherlock's overflow menu on Android 2.3?

ActionBar BUG: List mode navigation not visible after using SearchView

How to remove Navigation drawer icon