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New posts in aapt

Cannot build android project using Android Studio - Gradle 1.7

aapt not found under the right path

android eclipse aapt

Android studio cannot find aapt

"aapt.exe" exited with code 1 when building Mono for Android project

Where is the R.java file in Android Studio?

java android-studio aapt

Android Studio 3.0 Manifest Error: unknown element <action> found

AAPT error: resource drawable/... not found

android resources aapt aapt2

Android - Inner element must either be a resource reference or empty

How to make Android's aapt and adb work on 64-bit Ubuntu without ia32-libs (works for versions 12, 13 and 14)

9-patch image error in Android

android nine-patch aapt

What is AAPT (Android Asset Packaging Tool) and how does it work?

Listing permissions of Android application via adb

Gradle finished with non-zero exit value 1 (ic_launcher.png: error: Duplicate file)

Programmatically change the value of a color resource obtained from API response

AAPT2 compile failed: invalid dimen on Android 3.0 Canary 1

"aapt" IOException error=2, No such file or directory" why can't I build my gradle on jenkins?

java android jenkins gradle aapt

How to install Android SDK Build Tools on the command line?

How to view AndroidManifest.xml from APK file?