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New posts in .net-2.0

How to use XmlSerializer to deserialize into an existing instance?

c# .net serialization .net-2.0

How can I force a DropDownList style ComboBox to only open when the user clicks the drop-down button?

c# winforms .net-2.0 combobox

How can i get the path to the common Desktop and Start Menu dirs in C#?

c# .net windows .net-2.0

Infragistics license file add itself to project?

'Rectangle' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Drawing'

How to add to a textbox the red line (like bad spelling in Word)?

c# .net .net-2.0

Event handler and memory leaks

FileSystemWatcher and network disconnect?

Hashtable insert failed. Load factor too high. - ASP.NET 2.0

asp.net exception .net-2.0

Given a user's SID, how do I get their userPrincipalName?

Remove part of the full directory name?

c# .net-2.0

Why the version of System.dll is 2.x in my .net project targeting .net framework 3.5?

ICollection, readonly collections, and synchronisation. Is this right?

c# .net-2.0

appSettings not being read from machine.config in Vista

Performance implications of BeginInvoke

Emulate waiting on File.Open in C# when file is locked

Use of Uri IsWellFormedUriString when Uri TryCreate works perfectly

c# .net url .net-2.0 uri

Help accessing application settings using ConfigurationManager

c# .net .net-2.0

How to determine whether SqlConnection is enlisted into a System.Transactions' tx or not?

.NET Application broken on one PC, unhandleable exception

.net exception .net-2.0