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Swift filter array of objects



class book{     var nameOfBook: String! }  var englishBooks=[book(),book(),book()] var arr = englishBooks.filter {     contains($0.nameOfBook, "rt") } 

I'm using this filter but with error cannot invoke filter with an argument

like image 463
sallaaam Avatar asked Jun 05 '15 19:06


People also ask

How do I filter an array in Swift?

Example 1: Swift Array filter() This is a short-hand closure that checks whether all the elements in the array have the prefix "N" or not. $0 is the shortcut to mean the first parameter passed into the closure. And finally, all the elements that start with "N" are stored in the result variable.

How do I filter an array of arrays in Swift?

To filter elements of a Swift Array, call filter() method on this array and pass the predicate/condition to the filter() method. filter() method returns a new array with the elements of the original array, that satisfy the given condition.

How do I filter a string in Swift?

To filter strings in a Swift String Array based on length, call filter() method on this String Array, and pass the condition prepared with the string length as argument to the filter() method. filter() method returns an array with only those elements that satisfy the given predicate/condition.

2 Answers

contains() checks if a sequence contains a given element, e.g. if a String contains a given Character.

If your intention is to find all books where the name contains the substring "rt", then you can use rangeOfString():

var arr = englishBooks.filter {     $0.nameOfBook.rangeOfString("rt") != nil } 

or for case-insensitive comparison:

var arr = englishBooks.filter {     $0.nameOfBook.rangeOfString("rt", options: .CaseInsensitiveSearch) != nil } 

As of Swift 2, you can use

nameOfBook.containsString("rt") // or nameOfBook.localizedCaseInsensitiveContainsString("rt") 

and in Swift 3 this is

nameOfBook.contains("rt") // or nameOfBook.localizedStandardContains("rt") // or nameOfBook.range(of: "rt", options: .caseInsensitive) != nil 
like image 187
Martin R Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 06:10

Martin R

Sorry this is an old thread. Change you code slightly to properly init your variable 'nameOfBook'.

class book{    var nameOfBook: String!    init(name: String) {       nameOfBook = name    } } 

Then we can create an array of books.

var englishBooks = [book(name: "Big Nose"), book(name: "English Future  Prime Minister"), book(name: "Phenomenon")] 

The array's 'filter' function takes one argument and some logics, 'contains' function can take a simplest form of a string you are searching for.

let list1 = englishBooks.filter { (name) -> Bool in    name.contains("English") } 

You can then print out list1 like so:

let list2 = arr1.map({ (book) -> String in    return book.nameOfBook }) print(list2)  // print ["English Future Prime Minister"] 

Above two snippets can be written short hand like so:

let list3 = englishBooks.filter{ ($0.nameOfBook.contains("English")) } print(list3.map({"\($0.nameOfBook!)"})) 
like image 37
Ohmy Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 07:10
