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How to assign an optional Binding parameter in SwiftUI?

I'm trying to build a custom NavBar with some optional Views, like a searchbar (but only if the view needs to display it).

I need to pass some @State properties with @Binding down the views, basically. But I also need them to be Optional parameters.

Here's an example:

struct NavBar: View {          var isSearchable: Bool?          @Binding var searchTxt: String     @Binding var searchIsOn: Bool          var navBarTitle: String     var navBarAction: (() -> Void)?     var navBarImage: String?          init(navBarTitle: String, navBarAction: (() -> Void)? = nil, navBarImage: String? = nil, isSearchable: Bool? = false, searchTxt: (Binding<String>)?, searchIsOn : (Binding<Bool>)?) {         self.navBarTitle = navBarTitle         if(navBarAction != nil) {             self.navBarAction = navBarAction!         }         if(navBarImage != nil) {             self.navBarImage = navBarImage!         }         self.isSearchable = isSearchable                  self._searchTxt = (searchTxt != nil) ? (searchTxt!).binding : nil         self._searchIsOn = (searchIsOn != nil) ? (searchIsOn!).binding : nil                  assert((navBarAction != nil) ? navBarImage != nil : true)         assert((isSearchable! == true) ? (searchTxt!.value.count > 0) : true)     } // var body ....  } 

The properties I'm talking about are searchIsOn and searchTxt. But doing the assignment self._searchTxt = searchTxt or self._searchIsOn = searchIsOn throws a compile error:

Cannot assign value of type 'Binding?' to type 'Binding'

Do you know how could I resolve this issue?

Or is there a better way to do what I'm trying to do?

like image 932
riciloma Avatar asked Jul 23 '19 11:07


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A binding in SwiftUI is a connection between a value and a view that displays and changes it. You can create your own bindings with the @Binding property wrapper, and pass bindings into views that require them.

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1 Answers

@Binding var searchTxt: String?  init(searchTxt: Binding<String?>?) {     self._searchTxt = searchTxt ?? Binding.constant(nil) } 

Update: I prefer this one. TextField("", text: $text ?? "default value")


func ??<T>(lhs: Binding<Optional<T>>, rhs: T) -> Binding<T> {     Binding(         get: { lhs.wrappedValue ?? rhs },         set: { lhs.wrappedValue = $0 }     ) } 
like image 108
hstdt Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09
