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How to convert JSON to String in ios Swift?





Here is the code for the below Json output:

let params : [[String : AnyObject]]  = [["name" : "action", "value" : "pay" ],["name" : "cartJsonData" , "value" : ["total": 1,"rows":[["quantity": “1” ,"title":"Donation for SMSF India - General Fund","price":"1","itemId":"DN001","cost": “1”,”currency":"INR"]]]], ["name" : "center", "value" : "Chennai"], ["name" : "flatNumber", "value" : "503"], ["name" : "panNumber", "value" : ""], ["name" : "payWith"], ["name" : "reminderFrequency","value" : "Monthly"],  ["name" : "shipToAddr1"], ["name" : "shipToAddr2"], ["name" : "shipToCity"], ["name" : "shipToCountryName" , "value" : "India"], ["name" : "shipToEmail", "value" : “[email protected]"], ["name" : "shipToFirstName" , "value": "4480101010"], ["name" : "shipToLastName"], ["name" : "shipToPhone", "value" : "4480101010"], ["name" : "shipToState"], ["name" : "shipToZip"], ["name" : "userId", "value" : “null”], ["name" : "shipToCountry", "value" : "IN"]]  var jsonObject: NSData? = nil  do {    jsonObject = try NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(params, options: NSJSONWritingOptions())    print(jsonObject) // This will print the below json.  }  catch{} 

By printing jsonObject, I got this one.

[{ "value": "pay", "name": "action" }, { "value": { "rows": [{ "price": "1", "quantity": "1", "cost": "1", "currency": "INR", "itemId": "DN001", "title": "Donation for SMSF India - General Fund" }], "total": 1 }, "name": "cartJsonData" }, { "value": "Chennai", "name": "center" }, { "value": "503", "name": "flatNumber" }, { "value": "", "name": "panNumber" }, { "name": "payWith" }, { "value": "Monthly", "name": "reminderFrequency" }, { "name": "shipToAddr1" }, { "name": "shipToAddr2" }, { "name": "shipToCity" }, { "value": "India", "name": "shipToCountryName" }, { "value": "[email protected]", "name": "shipToEmail" }, { "value": "4480101010", "name": "shipToFirstName" }, { "name": "shipToLastName" }, { "value": "4480101010", "name": "shipToPhone" }, { "name": "shipToState" }, { "name": "shipToZip" }, { "value": "null", "name": "userId" }, { "value": "IN", "name": "shipToCountry" }]

And I want the JSON to be in the below format.

[{ “name”: “action”, “value”: “pay” }, { “name”: “cartJsonData”, “value”: “{\”total\”:1,\”rows\”:[{\”itemId\”:\”DN002\”,\”title\”:\”Donation for SMSF India - General Fund\”,\”quantity\”:\”100\”,\”currency\”:\”INR\”,\”price\”:\”1\”,\”cost\”:\”100\”}]}” }, { “name”: “center”, “value”: “Chennai” }, { “name”: “flatNumber”, “value”: “ “ }, { “name”: “panNumber”, “value”: “ASSDDBBDJD” }, { “name”: “payWith” }, { “name”: “reminderFrequency”, “value”: “Monthly” }, { “name”: “shipToAddr1” }, { “name”: “shipToAddr2” }, { “name”: “shipToCity” }, { “name”: “shipToCountryName”, “value”: “India” }, { “name”: “shipToEmail”, “value”: “[email protected]” }, { “name”: “shipToFirstName”, “value”: “Raju” }, { “name”: “shipToLastName” }, { “name”: “shipToPhone”, “value”: “1234567890” }, { “name”: “shipToState” }, { “name”: “shipToZip” }, { “name”: “userId”, “value”: “null” }, { “name”: “shipToCountry”, “value”: “IN” }]

How can it be done? Only the value in cartJsonData needs to be changed. Can someone help me on this to solve it?

like image 488
Divya Ponnuraj Avatar asked Apr 02 '16 07:04

Divya Ponnuraj

People also ask

What is JSONSerialization in Swift?

An object that converts between JSON and the equivalent Foundation objects.

What is JSON parsing in Swift?

Swift JSON ParsingJSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It's a popular text-based data format used everywhere for representing structured data. Almost every programming language supports it with Swift being no exception. You are going to use JSON a lot throughout your career, so make sure you don't miss out.

1 Answers

Try this.

func jsonToString(json: AnyObject){         do {           let data1 =  try NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(json, options: NSJSONWritingOptions.PrettyPrinted) // first of all convert json to the data             let convertedString = String(data: data1, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) // the data will be converted to the string             print(convertedString) // <-- here is ur string            } catch let myJSONError {             print(myJSONError)         }      } 
like image 175
ak sacha Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09

ak sacha