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String slices in structs (in Rust) [duplicate]

How do I tell Rust that I want a struct which contains a slice of a string?

I've tried:

struct Welcome {
    version: &str,

but the compiler complains:

src/chat.rs:16:14: 16:18 error: missing lifetime specifier [E0106]
src/chat.rs:16     version: &str,

From my limited understanding of Rust, I think a string slice is a pointer+length into some text allocated elsewhere.

I want the lifetime of the string slice to be the life time of the allocated text.

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fadedbee Avatar asked Oct 14 '14 11:10


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1 Answers

Your understanding is mostly correct and you were just one step away from what you want. You can use a named lifetime in this way:

struct Welcome<'a> {
    version: &'a str,

This says that the &str reference must have the same lifetime as the containing Welcome struct. More info on lifetimes can be found in the lifetimes guide

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Paolo Falabella Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09

Paolo Falabella