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Storing integer values as constants in Enum manner in java [duplicate]

People also ask

Can enum have duplicate values?

Two enum names can have same value. For example, in the following C program both 'Failed' and 'Freezed' have same value 0.

Can we store integer in enum?

No, we can have only strings as elements in an enumeration.

How do you assign a value to the constant of an enum?

To hold the value of each constant you need to have an instance variable (generally, private). You cannot create an object of an enum explicitly so, you need to add a parameterized constructor to initialize the value(s). The initialization should be done only once.

How do you declare a constant in an enum in Java?

An enum is a special class that represents a group of constants. To create an enum, use the enum keyword (instead of class or interface), and separate the constants with a comma. values() method can be used to return all values present inside enum.

Well, you can't quite do it that way. PAGE.SIGN_CREATE will never return 1; it will return PAGE.SIGN_CREATE. That's the point of enumerated types.

However, if you're willing to add a few keystrokes, you can add fields to your enums, like this:

    public enum PAGE{

        private final int value;

        PAGE(final int newValue) {
            value = newValue;

        public int getValue() { return value; }

And then you call PAGE.SIGN_CREATE.getValue() to get 0.

The most common valid reason for wanting an integer constant associated with each enum value is to interoperate with some other component which still expects those integers (e.g. a serialization protocol which you can't change, or the enums represent columns in a table, etc).

In almost all cases I suggest using an EnumMap instead. It decouples the components more completely, if that was the concern, or if the enums represent column indices or something similar, you can easily make changes later on (or even at runtime if need be).

 private final EnumMap<Page, Integer> pageIndexes = new EnumMap<Page, Integer>(Page.class);
 pageIndexes.put(Page.SIGN_CREATE, 1);
 //etc., ...

 int createIndex = pageIndexes.get(Page.SIGN_CREATE);

It's typically incredibly efficient, too.

Adding data like this to the enum instance itself can be very powerful, but is more often than not abused.

Edit: Just realized Bloch addressed this in Effective Java / 2nd edition, in Item 33: Use EnumMap instead of ordinal indexing.

You can use ordinal. So PAGE.SIGN_CREATE.ordinal() returns 1.


The only problem with doing this is that if you add, remove or reorder the enum values you will break the system. For many this is not an issue as they will not remove enums and will only add additional values to the end. It is also no worse than integer constants which also require you not to renumber them. However it is best to use a system like:

public enum PAGE{

  private int id;

  PAGE(int id){
    this.id = id;

  public int getID(){
    return id;


You can then use getID. So PAGE.SIGN_CREATE.getID() returns 1.

I found this to be helpful:


public enum Difficulty

    * Value for this difficulty
    public final int Value;

    private Difficulty(int value)
        Value = value;

    // Mapping difficulty to difficulty id
    private static final Map<Integer, Difficulty> _map = new HashMap<Integer, Difficulty>();
        for (Difficulty difficulty : Difficulty.values())
            _map.put(difficulty.Value, difficulty);

    * Get difficulty from value
    * @param value Value
    * @return Difficulty
    public static Difficulty from(int value)
        return _map.get(value);

You could store that const value in the enum like so. But why even use the const? Are you persisting the enum's?

public class SO3990319 {
   public static enum PAGE {
      private final int constValue;

      private PAGE(int constValue) {
         this.constValue = constValue;

      public int constValue() {
         return constValue;

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      System.out.println("Name:    " + PAGE.SIGN_CREATE.name());
      System.out.println("Ordinal: " + PAGE.SIGN_CREATE.ordinal());
      System.out.println("Const:   " + PAGE.SIGN_CREATE.constValue());

      System.out.println("Enum: " + PAGE.valueOf("SIGN_CREATE"));


It depends on what you're using the int's for whether to use EnumMap or instance field.

  • Bloch on Enum instance fields (Item 31: Use instance fields instead of ordinals)
  • Bloch on EnumMap (Item 33: Use EnumMap instead of ordinal indexing)