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Static return type of Scala macros

So I've got this macro:

import language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.Context  class Foo class Bar extends Foo { def launchMissiles = "launching" }  object FooExample {   def foo: Foo = macro foo_impl   def foo_impl(c: Context): c.Expr[Foo] =     c.Expr[Foo](c.universe.reify(new Bar).tree) } 

I've said three times that I want foo to return a Foo, and yet I can do the following (in 2.10.0-RC3):

scala> FooExample.foo res0: Bar = Bar@4118f8dd  scala> res0.launchMissiles res1: String = launching 

The same thing happens if I remove the type parameters on either c.Expr. If I really want to make sure that whoever's calling foo can't see that they're getting a Bar, I have to add a type ascription in the tree itself.

This is actually pretty great—it means for example that I can point a macro at a schema of some sort and create an anonymous subclass of some Vocabulary class with member methods representing terms in the vocabulary, and these will be available on the returned object.

I'd like to understand exactly what I'm doing, though, so I have a couple of questions. First, what is the return type on the foo method actually for? Is it just available for (optional) documentation? It clearly constrains the return type (e.g., I can't change it to Int in this case), and if I remove it entirely I get an error like this:

scala> FooExample.foo <console>:8: error: type mismatch;  found   : Bar  required: Nothing               FooExample.foo                          ^ 

But I can change it to Any and still get a statically typed Bar when I call foo.

Second, is this behavior specified somewhere? This seems like a fairly elementary set of issues, but I haven't been able to search up a clear explanation or discussion.

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Travis Brown Avatar asked Dec 02 '12 14:12

Travis Brown

1 Answers

This behavior is underspecified but intended, though it might appear confusing. We plan to elaborate on the role of return type in macro signatures, but at the moment I feel like the flexibility is a good thing to have.

Also at times the behavior is inconsistent, e.g. when the macro is caught in the middle of type inference, its static signature will be used (i.e. Foo in your example), not the type of the actual expansion. That's because macro expansion is intentionally delayed until type inference is done (so that macro implementations get to see inferred types, not type vars). This is a trade-off and not necessarily the best one, so we're planning to revisit it soon: https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-6755.

Another problem in this department is with implicit macros. When the return type of an implicit macro is generic and needs to be inferred from the requested type of an implicit value, bad things happen. This makes it currently impossible to use macros to generate type tags: https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-5923.

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Eugene Burmako Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 08:10

Eugene Burmako