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Static arrays VS. dynamic arrays in C++11

I know that it's a very old debate that has already been discussed many times all over the world. But I'm currently having troubles deciding which method I should use rather than another between static and dynamic arrays in a particular case. Actually, I woudn't have used C++11, I would have used static arrays. But I'm now confused since there could be equivalent benefits with both.

First solution:

template<size_t N>
class Foo
        int array[N];

        // Some functions

Second solution:

template<size_t N>
class Foo
        int* array;

        // Some functions

I can't happen to chose since the two have their own advantages:

  • Static arrays are faster, and we don't care about memory managment at all.
  • Dynamic arrays do not weigth anything as long as memory is not allocated. After that, they are less handy to use than static arrays. But since C++11, we can have great benefits from move semantics, which we can not use with static arrays.

I don't think there is one good solution, but I would like to get some advice or just to know what you think of all that.

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Morwenn Avatar asked Apr 29 '12 22:04


1 Answers

I will actually disagree with the "it depends". Never use option 2. If you want to use a translationtime constant, always use option 1 or std::array. The one advantage you listed, that dynamic arrays weigh nothing until allocated, is actually a horrible, huge disadvantage, and one that needs to be pointed out with great emphasis.

Do not ever have objects that have more than one phase of construction. Never, ever. That should be a rule committed to memory through some large tattoo. Just never do it.

When you have zombies objects that are not quite alive yet, though not quite dead either, the complexity in managing their lifetime grows exponentially. You have to check in every method whether it is fully alive, or only pretending to be alive. Exception safety requires special cases in your destructor. Instead of one simple construction and automatic destruction, you've now added requirements that must be checked at N different places (# methods + dtor). And the compiler doesn't care if you check. And other engineers won't have this requirement broadcast, so they may adjust your code in unsafe ways, using variables without checking. And now all these methods have multiple behaviors depending on the state of the object, so every user of the object needs to know what to expect. Zombies will ruin your (coding) life.

Instead, if you have two different natural lifetimes in your program, use two different objects. But that means you have two different states in your program, so you should have a state machine, with one state having just one object and another state with both, separated by an asynchronous event. If there is no asynchronous event between the two points, if they all fit in one function scope, then the separation is artifical and you should be doing single phase construction.

The only case where a translation time size should translate to a dynamic allocation is when the size is too large for the stack. This then gets to memory optimisation, and it should always be evaluated using memory and profiling tools to see what's best. Option 2 will never be best (it uses a naked pointer - so again we lose RAII and any automatic cleanup and management, adding invariants and making the code more complex and easily breakable by others). Vector (as suggested by bitmask) would be the appropriate first thought, though you may not like the heap allocation costs in time. Other options might be static space in your application's image. But again, these should only be considered once you've determined that you have a memory constraint and what to do from there should be determined by actual measurable needs.

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ex0du5 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09
