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SSDT installation issue (Failed to execute EXE package.)

I am having an issue with the SSDT installation for VS2017.

I have ran the installer three times, once basic, once following VS update and the last following some minor windows updates.

All 3 times the logs stumble at the same point, anyone know what this .exe it is trying to run is (I am running the installer with Admin...). I read somewhere for a similar error that it might be the SDK but I am able to run this locally, any nice workarounds to having this installed out there?

[29BC:A138][2017-09-26T09:28:00]i000: MainViewModel.OnPackageActionProgress: Percent completed: 50, Overall progress: 4 [1EC4:6DB0][2017-09-26T09:28:00]e000: Error 0x800703e9: Process returned error: 0x3e9 [1EC4:6DB0][2017-09-26T09:28:00]e000: Error 0x800703e9: Failed to execute EXE package. [29BC:A138][2017-09-26T09:28:00]e000: Error 0x800703e9: Failed to configure per-machine EXE package. [29BC:A138][2017-09-26T09:28:00]i000: MainViewModel.OnPackageAction: Install Completed for package SQL Server Analysis Services (id: Microsoft.DataTools.AnalysisServices) [29BC:A138][2017-09-26T09:28:00]i319: Applied execute package: Microsoft.DataTools.AnalysisServices, result: 0x800703e9, restart: None [29BC:A138][2017-09-26T09:28:00]e000: Error 0x800703e9: Failed to execute EXE package. [1EC4:6DB0][2017-09-26T09:28:00]i351: Removing cached package: Microsoft.DataTools.AnalysisServices, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\9864EE5369359DB622D0234B6C6B7640B949140C\ [29BC:A138][2017-09-26T09:28:00]i000: MainViewModel.OnPackageActionProgress: Percent completed: 100, Overall progress: 100 [1EC4:6DB0][2017-09-26T09:28:00]i372: Session end, registration key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{5d5d6235-5c8c-4377-9a75-1b6368850657}, resume: None, restart: None, disable resume: No [1EC4:6DB0][2017-09-26T09:28:00]i330: Removed bundle dependency provider: {5d5d6235-5c8c-4377-9a75-1b6368850657} [1EC4:6DB0][2017-09-26T09:28:00]i352: Removing cached bundle: {5d5d6235-5c8c-4377-9a75-1b6368850657}, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{5d5d6235-5c8c-4377-9a75-1b6368850657}\ [1EC4:6DB0][2017-09-26T09:28:00]i371: Updating session, registration key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{5d5d6235-5c8c-4377-9a75-1b6368850657}, resume: None, restart initiated: No, disable resume: No [29BC:A138][2017-09-26T09:28:00]e000: MainViewModel.OnBundleAction: Bundle action failed: Recursion too deep; the stack overflowed (0x800703E9) [29BC:A138][2017-09-26T09:28:00]i399: Apply complete, result: 0x800703e9, restart: None, ba requested restart:  No [29BC:6724][2017-09-26T09:28:04]i000: MainViewModel.OpenUrl: Opening url: C:\Users\RTOMPS~1\AppData\Local\Temp\SsdtSetup\SSDT-Setup-ENU_20170926092556.log 
like image 607
Glitch_Doctor Avatar asked Sep 26 '17 08:09


People also ask

Can we install Ssdt without Visual Studio?

There's no SSDT standalone installer for Visual Studio 2019.

Can I install Ssdt without SQL Server?

If you are not using Data Flow Task Plus, you will only need to install SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) and the COZYROC SSIS+ Suite on the server where you schedule and execute packages; SSDT will not be needed.

How do I know if SSDT is installed in Visual Studio 2017?

To confirm SSDT is installed, click on Help / About Microsoft Visual Studio and look for SQL Server Data Tools in the list. The latest version of SSDT is 14.0. 60525.0. If the option to install is not available from Visual Studio, alternatively you can visit the SSDT Download page to download and install SSDT manually.

1 Answers

The answer from Nick is very helpful, but I still failed at SSDT-Setup-ENU.exe /repair with the same error Error 0x800703e9: Failed to execute EXE package..

Then I tried it with a very straightforward way: (Disable UserAccountControl first)

  1. copy SSDT-Setup-ENU.exe to c:\temp and execute SSDT-Setup-ENU.exe /layout to download a local copy of the bundle.
  2. open C:\temp\redist and double click NDP461-KB3102438-Web.exe
  3. open C:\temp\payload and double click vsta_setup.exe
  4. repeat to install others...

C:\temp\payload directory listing

like image 192
Daniel Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 16:10
