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Clear stored TFS credentials in Visual Studio 2017

I had to change my password for my account which is not the same account i log into my machine with. When connected to the local tfs server, I supplied my password to VS2017 and checked remember password. Now that the password has changed, I cannot connect.

I have tried to remove the tfs in credential manager and also deleted the .IdentityService. Neither have helped. Anyone know if they changed something with VS 2017 and they are cached or stored somewhere else?

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AndySousa Avatar asked Nov 08 '17 19:11


People also ask

How do I clear my TFS credentials?

1. Go to Control Panel (Start -> Control Panel). 5. Click on two credential's modify link, click the link Remove from vault to remove stored TFS credentials.

How do I change my TFS credentials in Visual Studio 2017?

Turns out we are relying on Windows to do this for us. To dump this cache all you need to do is go to control panel > User Accounts > Manage Your Network Passwords select the Team foundation Server and choose remove – viola! Next time you go into Team Explorer you will be prompted for a new set of credentials.

How do I find my TFS credentials?

Just to make it clear, you go to Control Panel --> User Accounts and Family Safety --> Credential Manager, Select Windows Credentials, in the list below, remove the credentials for TFS in the cloud.

4 Answers

Please try below items to narrow down the issue:

  • Remove the TFS related credentials from Credential Manager
  • In Credential Manager add the new updated Generic Credentials for the TFS account. Generally, this would overwrite the cached credentials.

  • Close all Visual Studio instances, delete %LOCALAPPDATA%\.IdentityService as you did.

  • Clear TFS caches %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\7.0\Cache

  • Clear all the browser caches especially for the stored password

  • Restart Visual Studio > Team Explorer > Manage Connections to check if the Enter credential dialog popup. Just try this several times. Based on my test the dialog will popup the first time, but if you cancel it, then you have to restart VS to popup it again.

  • Run Visual Studio as another user:

    cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE

    runas /netonly /user:<account> devenv.exe

    Enter the user possword, then Team Explorer > Manage Connections

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Andy Li-MSFT Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 19:10

Andy Li-MSFT

I tried to follow the steps listed in the other answer. But on first step I decided to try just editing the password in credentials manager. It worked for me.

So if anyone else is having the same problem you might want to try that first.

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Simme Nilsson Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 17:10

Simme Nilsson

Clear the config from the following path:

C:\users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_????\Team Explorer\
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A K Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 18:10


These Steps worked for the issue : The V2 feed returned an unexpected status code '403 Forbidden' for configured nuGet package through Artifactory

Remove the TFS related credentials from Credential Manager 1)In Credential Manager add the new updated Generic Credentials for the TFS account. 2)Generally, this would overwrite the cached credentials. Close all Visual Studio instances, delete %LOCALAPPDATA%.IdentityService as you did.

Clear TFS caches %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\7.0\Cache

Clear all the browser caches especially for the stored password

Restart Visual Studio > Team Explorer > Manage Connections to check if the Enter credential dialog popup. Just try this several times. Based on my test the dialog will popup the first time, but if you cancel it, then you have to restart VS to popup it again.

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Anand Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 18:10
