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Specifying the JSON name for protobuf extension

I've added an extending message to a message and need to marshal it as a json. However the field name for the extension message is [message.extension_message_name].

I would prefer it to be named just extension_message_name, without the braces and prefix, since this extension message exists elsewhere in our API and and having this weird name adds confusion.

As far as I can tell the bit of code responsible is in protobuf/jsonpb, where the JSONName is set with fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", desc.Name and cannot be overwritten it seems.

Anyone have a workaround for this?

like image 643
MffnMn Avatar asked Nov 04 '16 17:11


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1 Answers

As per the language guide:

Message field names are mapped to lowerCamelCase and become JSON object keys. If the json_name field option is specified, the specified value will be used as the key instead.

So tagging your field with json_name should do the trick, for example this:

message TestMessage {
    string myField = 1 [json_name="my_special_field_name"];

Should make myField have the name my_special_field_name when marshalled to JSON.

like image 163
abcalphabet Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 22:10
