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Spark worker memory



I have setup a spark (1.6)standalone cluster. have 1 master and added 3 machines under conf/slaves file as workers. Even though I have allocated 4GB memory to each of my workers in spark, why does it use only 1024MB when the application is running? I would like for it use all 4 GB allocated to it. Help me figure out where and what I am doing wrong.

Below is the screenshot of the spark master page (when the application is running using spark-submit) where under the Memory column it shows 1024.0 MB used in brackets next to 4.0 GB.

I also tried setting --executor-memory 4G option with spark-submit and it does not work (as suggested in How to change memory per node for apache spark worker).

These are the options I have set in spark-env.sh file




enter image description here

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B1K Avatar asked Apr 04 '16 17:04


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1 Answers

One other workaround is try setting the following parameters inside the conf/spark-defaults.conf file:

spark.driver.cores              4
spark.driver.memory             2g
spark.executor.memory           4g

Once you set the above (only the last line in your case) shut down all the workers at once and restart them. It is better to initialize the executors memory this way since your problem seems to be that no executor can allocate all the available memory of his worker.

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raschild Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09
