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why does filter remove null value by default on spark dataframe?

filter on basic scala collections containing null values has the following (and quite intuitive) behaviour:

scala> List("a", "b", null).filter(_ != "a")
res0: List[String] = List(b, null)

However, I was very surprised to figure out that the following filter removes nulls in spark dataframe:

scala> val df = List(("a", null), ( "c", "d")).toDF("A", "B")
scala> df.show
|  A|   B|
|  a|null|
|  c|   d|
scala> df.filter('B =!= "d").show
|  A|  B|

If I want to keep null values, I should add

df.filter('B =!= "d" || 'B.isNull).show
|  A|   B|
|  a|null|

Personally, I think that removing nulls by default is very error prone. Why this choice? and why is not explicitely stated in the api documentation? Am I missing something?

like image 672
greg hor Avatar asked Mar 05 '18 14:03

greg hor

1 Answers

This is because the standard for SQL is not to be null-safe - so Spark SQL follows this (but not Scala).

Spark dataframes has a null-safe equality though

scala> df.filter($"B" <=> null).show
|  A|   B|
|  a|null|

scala> df.filter(not($"B" <=> "d")).show
|  A|   B|
|  a|null|

Note in edit: the point of not being null safe by default is so to allow null as a result of a test. Is a missing value equal to "c"? We don't know. Is a missing value equal to another missing value? We don't know either. But in a filter, null is false.

like image 136
Wilmerton Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 19:10
