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Why is SqlQuery a lot faster than using LINQ expression on views?

I want to query data from a view, which is a view of a table contains 583,000 records. So I write a simple query to query from the view like this

var uuid = "AB1-23456";
dbSet.SingleOrDefault(x => x.UserKey == uuid);

This is the generated sql

SELECT "Extent1"."UserKey" AS "UserKey", 
       CAST("Extent1"."IsDeleted" AS number(3,0)) AS "C1", 
       "Extent1"."FirstName" AS "FirstName", 
       "Extent1"."LastName" AS "LastName", 
       "Extent1"."UserLogin" AS "UserLogin", 
       "Extent1"."AccLocationKey" AS "AccLocationKey", 
       "Extent1"."CompanyKey" AS "CompanyKey"
FROM "UsersView" "Extent1"
WHERE ('AB1-23456' = "Extent1"."UserKey")

I ran the query for 5 times. The first call took me 350ms and next calls took me 150ms on average on this query which was too slow, so I changed the query to be like this

var queryString = 
    "SELECT \"Extent1\".\"UserKey\" AS \"UserKey\", " +
            "CAST( \"Extent1\".\"IsDeleted\" AS number(3,0)) AS \"IsDeleted\", " +
            "\"Extent1\".\"FirstName\" AS \"FirstName\", " +
            "\"Extent1\".\"LastName\" AS \"LastName\", " +
            "\"Extent1\".\"UserLogin\" AS \"UserLogin\", " +
            "\"Extent1\".\"AccLocationKey\" AS \"AccLocationKey\", " +
            "\"Extent1\".\"CompanyKey\" AS \"CompanyKey\" " +
    "FROM \"UsersView\" \"Extent1\" " +
    "WHERE ('AB1-23456' = \"Extent1\".\"UserKey\")";

I ran it for 5 times The first call took me 40ms and next calls took me only 1ms on average!

Do anyone has any ideas what I did wrong?


  • Entity Framework 5.0
  • Oracle 11g Database
  • ODP.NET 11.2 Release 3
  • .NET Framework 4.5
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Moozz Avatar asked Jan 09 '15 07:01


2 Answers

Isn't it that it takes that 150ms only the first time it ran?. Every consecutive call should take around that 1ms you stated. LinqToSql has to compile the query first to get SQL. Take a look at LinqToSql Precompiling queries benefit?

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smiech Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 16:10


This is the best answer to this question.


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Moozz Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 17:10
