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How to GROUP entries BY uninterrupted sequence?

CREATE TABLE entries (
  id serial NOT NULL,
  title character varying,
  load_sequence integer

and data

INSERT INTO entries(title, load_sequence) VALUES ('A', 1);
INSERT INTO entries(title, load_sequence) VALUES ('A', 2);
INSERT INTO entries(title, load_sequence) VALUES ('A', 3);

INSERT INTO entries(title, load_sequence) VALUES ('A', 6);

INSERT INTO entries(title, load_sequence) VALUES ('B', 4);
INSERT INTO entries(title, load_sequence) VALUES ('B', 5);

INSERT INTO entries(title, load_sequence) VALUES ('B', 7);
INSERT INTO entries(title, load_sequence) VALUES ('B', 8);

Is there a way in PostgreSQL to write SQL that groups data by same title segments after ordering them by load_sequence. I mean:

=# SELECT id, title, load_sequence FROM entries ORDER BY load_sequence;
 id | title | load_sequence 
  9 | A     |             1
 10 | A     |             2
 11 | A     |             3
 13 | B     |             4
 14 | B     |             5
 12 | A     |             6
 15 | B     |             7
 16 | B     |             8

AND I want groups:

=# SELECT title, string_agg(id::text, ',' ORDER BY id) FROM entries ???????????;

so result would be:

 title | string_agg  
 A     | 9,10,11
 B     | 13,14
 A     | 12
 B     | 15,16
like image 391
oskarae Avatar asked Sep 02 '15 09:09


1 Answers

You can use the following query:

SELECT title, string_agg(id::text, ',' ORDER BY id)
  SELECT id, title, 
         ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY load_sequence) -
                            ORDER BY load_sequence) AS grp
  FROM entries ) AS t
GROUP BY title, grp

Calculated grp field serves to identify slices of title records having consecutive load_sequence values. Using this field in the GROUP BY clause we can achieve the required aggregation over id values.

Demo here

like image 127
Giorgos Betsos Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10

Giorgos Betsos