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Simplest way to do a fire and forget method in C#?

People also ask

What is a fire and forget method?

Often in application development you want a process to call another thread and continue the process flow, without waiting for a response from the called thread. This pattern is called the “fire and forget” pattern.

How do you call async method without await?

However, just to address "Call an async method in C# without await", you can execute the async method inside a Task. Run . This approach will wait until MyAsyncMethod finish. await asynchronously unwraps the Result of your task, whereas just using Result would block until the task had completed.

ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(o => FireAway());

(five years later...)

Task.Run(() => FireAway());

as pointed out by luisperezphd.

For C# 4.0 and newer, it strikes me that the best answer is now given here by Ade Miller: Simplest way to do a fire and forget method in c# 4.0

Task.Factory.StartNew(() => FireAway());

Or even...



new Task(FireAway).Start();

Where FireAway is

public static void FireAway()
    // Blah...

So by virtue of class and method name terseness this beats the threadpool version by between six and nineteen characters depending on the one you choose :)

ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(o => FireAway());

For .NET 4.5:

Task.Run(() => FireAway());

To add to Will's answer, if this is a console application, just throw in an AutoResetEvent and a WaitHandle to prevent it exiting before the worker thread completes:

Using System;
Using System.Threading;

class Foo
    static AutoResetEvent autoEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

    static void Main()
        ThreadPoolQueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(FireAway), autoEvent);
        autoEvent.WaitOne(); // Will wait for thread to complete

    static void FireAway(object stateInfo)
        Console.WriteLine("5 seconds later");

An easy way is to create and start a thread with parameterless lambda:

(new Thread(() => { 
    MessageBox.Show("FireAway Finished!"); 
}) { 
    Name = "Long Running Work Thread (FireAway Call)",
    Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal 

By using this method over ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem you can name your new thread to make it easier for debugging. Also, don't forget to use extensive error handling in your routine because any unhandled exceptions outside of a debugger will abruptly crash your application:

enter image description here