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Why does the default parameterless constructor go away when you create one with parameters

People also ask

Do default constructors accept parameters?

If you haven't defined any other constructors, the compiler will create an empty public default constructor for you. This means your objects will be instantiable with no parameters.

Will automatically provide one no parameter constructor default constructor for the?

The compiler automatically provides a no-argument, default constructor for any class without constructors. This default constructor will call the no-argument constructor of the superclass.

What happens when a class with parameter constructor and having no a default constructor?

What happens when a class with parameterized constructors and having no default constructor is used in a program and we create an object that needs a zero-argument constructor? A. Compile-time error.

What happens if we define parameterized constructor only?

If there is any one parametrized Constructor present in a class, Default Constructor will not be added at Compile time. So if your program has any constructor containing parameters and no default constructor is specified then you will not be able to create object of that class using Default constructor.

There's no reason that the compiler couldn't add the constructor if you've added your own - the compiler could do pretty much whatever it wants! However, you have to look at what makes most sense:

  • If I haven't defined any constructor for a non-static class, I most likely want to be able to instantiate that class. In order to allow that, the compiler must add a parameterless constructor, which will have no effect but to allow instantiation. This means that I don't have to include an empty constructor in my code just to make it work.
  • If I've defined a constructor of my own, especially one with parameters, then I most likely have logic of my own that must be executed on creating the class. If the compiler were to create an empty, parameterless constructor in this case, it would allow someone to skip the logic that I had written, which might lead to my code breaking in all number of ways. If I want a default empty constructor in this case, I need to say so explicitly.

So, in each case, you can see that the behaviour of current compilers makes the most sense in terms of preserving the likely intent of the code.

There's certainly no technical reason why the language has to be designed this way.

There are four somewhat-realistic options that I can see:

  1. No default constructors at all
  2. The current scenario
  3. Always providing a default constructor by default, but allowing it to be explicitly suppressed
  4. Always providing a default constructor without allowing it to be suppressed

Option 1 is somewhat attractive, in that the more I code the less often I really want a parameterless constructor. Some day I should count just how often I actually end up using a default constructor...

Option 2 I'm fine with.

Option 3 goes against the flow of both Java and C#, for the rest of the language. There's never anything that you explicitly "remove", unless you count explicitly making things more private than they would be by default in Java.

Option 4 is horrible - you absolutely want to be able to force construction with certain parameters. What would new FileStream() even mean?

So basically, if you accept the premise that providing a default constructor makes sense at all, I believe it makes a lot of sense to suppress it as soon as you provide your own constructor.

Edit. Actually, while what I say in my first answer is valid, this is the real reason.:

In the beginning there was C. C is not object-oriented (you can take an OO approach, but it doesn't help you or enforce anything).

Then there was C With Classes, that was later renamed C++. C++ is object-oriented, and therefore encourages encapsulation, and ensuring an object's invariant - upon construction and at the beginning and end of any method, the object is in a valid state.

The natural thing to do with this, is to enforce that a class must always have a constructor to ensure it starts in a valid state - if the constructor doesn't have to do anything to ensure this, then the empty constructor will document this fact.

But a goal with C++ was to be compatible with C to the point that as much as possible, all valid C programs were also valid C++ programs (no longer as active a goal, and the evolution of C separate to C++ means it no longer holds).

One effect of this was the duplication in functionality between struct and class. The former doing things the C way (everything public by default) and the latter doing things in a good OO way (everything private by default, developer actively makes public what they want public).

Another is that in order for a C struct, which couldn't have a constructor because C doesn't have constructors, to be valid in C++, then there had to be a meaning for this to the C++ way of looking at it. And so, while not having a constructor would go against the OO practice of actively ensuring an invariant, C++ took this to mean that there was a default parameterless constructor that acted like it had an empty body.

All C structs were now valid C++ structs, (which meant they were the same as C++ classes with everything - members and inheritance - public) treated from the outside as if it had a single, parameterless constructor.

If however you did put a constructor in a class or struct, then you were doing things the C++/OO way rather than the C way, and there was no need for a default constructor.

Since it served as a shorthand, people kept using it even when compatibility wasn't possible otherwise (it used other C++ features not in C).

Hence when Java came along (based on C++ in many ways) and later C# (based on C++ and Java in different ways), they kept this approach as something coders may already be used to.

Stroustrup writes about this in his The C++ Programming Language and even more so, with more focus upon the "whys" of the language in The Design and Evolution of C++.

=== Original Answer ===

Let's say this didn't happen.

Let's say I don't want a parameterless constructor, because I can't put my class into a meaningful state without one. Indeed, this is something that can happen with struct in C# (but if you can't make meaningful use of an all-zeros-and-nulls struct in C# you're at best using a non-publicly-visible optimisation, and otherwise have a design flaw in using struct).

To make my class able to protect its invariants, I need a special removeDefaultConstructor keyword. At the very least, I'd need to create a private parameterless constructor to make sure no calling code calls the default.

Which complicates the language some more. Better not to do it.

In all, it's best not to think of adding a constructor as removing the default, better to think of having no constructor at all as syntactic sugar for adding a parameterless constructor that doesn't do anything.

The default, parameterless constructor is added if you don't do anything yourself to take control over object creation. Once you've created a single constructor to take control, the compiler "backs off" and let you have the full control.

If it wouldn't be this way, you would need some explicit way of disabling the default constructor if you only want objects to be constructable through a constructor with parameters.

It's a convenience function of the compiler. If you define a Constructor with parameters but don't define a parameterless constructor, the possibility that you don't want to allow a parameterless constructor is much higher.

This is the case for many objects that just don't make sense to initialize with an empty constructor.

Otherwise you'd have to declare a private parameterless constructor for each class that you want to restrict.

In my opinion it's not good style to allow a parameterless constructor for a class that needs parameters to function.

I think the question should be the other way around: Why don't you need to declare a default constructor if you haven't defined any other constructors?

A constructor is mandatory for non-static classes.
So i think if you haven't defined any constructors, the generated default constructor is just a convenient feature of the C# compiler, also your class wouldn't be valid without a constructor. So nothing wrong with implicitly generating a constructor that does nothing. It certainly looks cleaner than having empty constructors all around.

If you have already defined a constructor, your class is valid, so why should the compiler assume you want a default constructor? What if you don't want one? Implement an attribute to tell the compiler to not generate that default constructor? I don't think that would be a good idea.