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Shortcut key for selecting a word and extending the selection in VS Code

People also ask

How do you select a word using the keyboard in VS Code?

Shift + Alt + Right Arrow if the word is in camelCase then you will have to click Right Arrow again to select the whole camelCase. Every time you press Right Arrow again while still holding Shift + Alt down you will select a further part of the code.

How do you jump a word in VS Code?

Visual Studio Code - How to jump by word with [Alt]+[Left/Right]

How do you select a word in Visual Studio?

SelectCurrentWord as 'Ctrl + W, Ctrl + W'.

The shrink/expand selection commands should be what you are looking for. The command names are editor.action.smartSelect.grow (default keybinding shift+alt+right) and editor.action.smartSelect.shrink (default keybinding shift+alt+left).

i use alt+s for editor.action.smartSelect.grow.

  "key": "alt+s",
  "command": "editor.action.smartSelect.grow",
  "when": "editorTextFocus"