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How do I make a keyboard shortcut for Terminal in CentOS 7

Just installed CentOS 7 on my laptop. This new version of CentOS is pretty different from older ones, and I cannot make a keyboard shortcut for Terminal in older ways. Dose anybody know how ?

like image 389
BioCoder Avatar asked Nov 06 '14 03:11


People also ask

How do I create a shortcut in Centos 7?

Go to settings -> Keyboard -> shortcuts. There you can select the shortcut key for minimizing all windows. You may not be interested in the program eclipse, but this video has been my source of knowledge. Note that you can also create desktop icons inside your Desktop folder in your home directory.

What is the shortcut to open terminal in Centos?

Just press “Ctrl+Alt+T” and a terminal window will appear.

How do I create a shortcut to open terminal?

You can create a keyboard shortcut to open a terminal window, create a new shortcut, press the super key and search for “keyboard” or “shortcut” and launch it. Click on “+” option at the end of the list to create a new keyboard shortcut. Provide the required information, Like Name of the shortcut, command.

2 Answers

Go to Settings >>> keyboard >>> Shortcuts tab >>> Custom Shortcuts >>> click "+"
Name: Terminal Shortcut
Command: gnome-terminal
Now a new shortcut added with status "disabled". Click on "disabled" word and assign your shortcut.
For me, I prefer Ctrl+Alt+t to run Terminal

like image 60
Mouneer Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09


On Gnome 3 GUI you may follow these 16 steps,

  1. Click Activities on the top left

enter image description here

  1. Click Show Applications on the bottom left

enter image description here

  1. Click Settings icon at the top middle

enter image description here

  1. Click Keyboard icon in the middle of All Settings

enter image description here

  1. Scroll down the v-scroll bar until Custom Shortcuts section appears

  2. Then, click + icon

enter image description here

  1. Enter Terminal Shortcut in Name text box.

  2. Enter gnome-terminal in Command text box.

  3. Click Add button

enter image description here

  1. In the Custom Shortcuts section, ‘disabled’ shortcut will appear

  2. Click the word Disabled

enter image description here

  1. Click Edit button next to Shortcut None

enter image description here

  1. All grey popup will be shown

  2. Type a shortcut(eg, Shift+Ctrl+M)

enter image description here

  1. Close window by pressing X mark on top right

enter image description here

  1. Shortcut(s) you just defined will be shown as follows

enter image description here

That's it. Try pressing the shortcut and you will have the Terminal Opened with the home directory.

like image 35
Park JongBum Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 08:09

Park JongBum